воскресенье, 9 июля 2017 г.

Trump stops to pick up a Marine's hat that was blown off by the wind. (07-08-2017) - Видео Dailymotion

Trump stops to pick up a Marine's hat that was blown off by the wind. (07-08-2017) - Видео Dailymotion: Trump stops to pick up a Marine's hat that was blown off by the wind. (07-08-2017) A funny incident occurred at the US airbase 'Andrews', when the US president was returning from Hamburg On his return from Samita, which was held in Hamburg, US President Donald Trump at the US airbase Andrews twice tried to return the cap to the guard soldier, who was ripped off by the wind. The head of the White House raised twice and returned to the Marine a cap, which from his head was torn off by strong streams of air from the rotating blades of the helicopter. Trump arrived by plane to an American airbase from Europe after the summit of the G20 leaders. Here he was to change seats in a helicopter, which was delivered to him by the first lady of the United States, Melanyu Trump, to the White House.